SIN-143169LGB | Heavy Duty Throat Plate w/lines (149165=FEED ) Black
SIN-91329 | Singer 45K Curved Throat Plate Use with FD 91422
SIN-52145LGB | Singer Throat Plate or 52032-LBG 143272 or 147154
SIN-26605 | Singer Throat Plate - LG
SIN-139389-012 | 3/16" Throat Plate for Singer
SEI-CS-1405 | SEIKO Plate Singer # 97802
TPZ20 | Singer 20U zig zag Binder attachment Needle Plate
SIN-82234 | Needle Plate for Singer 29K Boot patcher - check before ordering.
SIN-543977 | Singer Throat plate (wide right)
SIN-503885 | Singer Throat plate USE WITH 240112
SIN-506645 | Singer 307G2 Throat plate off set screws - discontinued when sold out
SIN-267853-024 3/8 | Singer Throat plate
SIN-240628 | Singer Throat plate (binding)
SIN-240027-B | Singer Throat Plate Heavy binder plate use with 240078
SIN-20160LGW | Singer Throat Plate Medium Silver/White (g/w 149159)
SIN-20262 | Singer Throat Plate - med needle hole
SIN-20263W | Singer Throat Plate - White
SIN-12482-LGW | Singer Throat plate 541599
SIN-139385 | Singer Throat Plate 1/4" USE 139414 1/4
SIN-139385-012 | Singer Throat Plate 3/16" (use with 139414 FD)
SIN-142061LGW | Singer Throat Plate - Larger Hole use with 149062 medium 149057 light or 147458
SIN-12411 | Singer Throat Plate 44256
SEI-CS-70295 | 265259 | B1109-057-LOO | 220-20-204 | Throat Plate 1/2" | for Adler 220, Juki LG158 , Singer 145 , SEIKO JW-25BL
SEI-CS-70116 | 15150 | 264693 Throat Plate for single needle SEIKO JW8BL, Singer 144W
SIN-1001 | Singer High Binder Throat Plate (use w/240112B or 1000
JK-B1109-012-IOB | Juki Needle plate GENUINE (also see Singer 147150LG)
PF-91-058089-04-B | Pfaff Needle Plate B g/w 47559 usewith singer 541566
KIN-TP604A43 | Kingtex NEEDLE PLATE 2.2mm x 3.2 R4305-H0D-E00, 5210TP04A43 SEE SINGER 377605
JK-R4508-H0D-DA0 | Juki Needle plate OR SINGER 377604
JK-R4305-H0D-E00 | TP604A43 | 377605 | Throat plate 2X3,2MM for SINGER , Juki & Kingtex SH6004
SIN-91610 | Throat Plate for Singer 45K Flat Bed
SIN-98464 | Singer Throat Plate 133K maybe CS2527
SIN-82240 | Singer Needle Plate Hinge Pin or HA46079 holding screw 109658
SIN-549775 | Curved Throat plate for Singer 17U
SIN-544543 | Singer Needle plate 8mm
SIN-82202 | Needle Plate for Singer 29K72
SIN-68065 | Singer Throat Plate use with 142388
SIN-56065 | Singer Throat Plate - White CL 103K use with 99601 Feed dog
SIN-52033 | 52032 Singer Throat Plate or 147157 | 96K40, 96K41, 95K10
SIN-51842 | Singer Throat plate