ADL-396-15-081-4 | Hook & Base & Bobbin Case for Adler 805 etc. HAD396H
BR-SA3669-001 | HSM-A-TR(MQ1L) | BROTHER Genuine Hook & Base BES-1210, BES-1240
CER-130.03.057 | PF-91-141955-91E-Z Cerliani Brand Hook & Base without Bobbin case for Pfaff 335G Large Capacity (Made in Italy)
CER.130.00.335 | 91-060581-91 Cerliani Brand Hook & Base with Bobbin case for Pfaff 335G Large Capacity (Made in Italy)
DK-246-3031 | DURKOPP Hook & base
DK-556-5042 | DURKOPP Base for 556-5004 Hook & base
HIR-HAD867 | PF-91-501015-91 | 0667155634 | Hirose Hook & Base Pfaff 2545 , & Adler 867-32mm
HIR-HSH-12L(1)TR1 | Hirose Hook & Base
HIR-HSH-19 | Hirose Hook & Base 119W 247675
HIR-HSH-7.94A(M1QTS) | KF220780 Hirose Hook & Base (teflon ) to suit Barudan Models ..BEMR, BEMS, BEMX
HIR-HYM-1341AY(6) | Hirose Hook & Base for GC2263, LS-1342
HIR-KHS-20 RM-2 | Hirose Koban Hook & Base
HIR-LC-1302 | Hirose Latch For 147790-001
HIR-MT-26-LPC | Hirose Gib
HIR-TBUK-DB-L | Hirose Latch For 2130104301A
HIR-TF1(S-17)-16892 | 6028 | KRT68 | 048-00125-2 Beak Shuttle. See below for suitable models....
JK-100-78954 | Juki Hook & base / B case or KHS-20-RT / 100-80059
JK-103-53050 | Juki Hook & base with cap for LUH14-5 OR KRT11-5 LLJC[R]
JK-103-53068 | Juki Hook & base with cap
JK-235-57259 | Juki Hook & Base JUKI LZ-2290 SERIES DP2-57(3LPVRP)
JK-262-04909 | ex B1818-280-000 | SH280 | 401-10846 | 400-06580 | Generic Shuttle for for Juki LK-1900-AN SS. LK1852, LK1900SS, FS, MS, SA, FA, MA.
JK-400-03894 | HTH-614BTR(2E) Genuine Hook & base assembly for Juki DLN-6390/DLN-6390-7 Hirose = HTH-614BTR(2E)
JK-401-26399 | Juki Hook & Base Juki LU2810 (Non Trim)
JK-401-31956 | ( was 401-42204) Genuine Juki Hook & Base Juki LU2810-7 (Trim)
JK-B1818-205-0A0 | Generic Juki Inner shuttle assembly
JK-G1809-122-0A0 | Juki Hook & Base
KOB-1-KSP-7-9 | Koban Barrel For KSP 7-9 for Class 7-5 machine
KOB-1-KSP-7-9_dup | Koban Barrel for KSP7-9
KOB-G-14-5-0 | Koban Hook needle guard
KOB-GT-14-5-0 | Koban Hook guard for KRT14.5
KOB-KHS20-RMP/Base only | Koban Base only to suit KHS20-RMP ( HSMA-1-HTR)
KOB-KRT11-5LLJCI-R | 103-53076 | Drop-in type Hook & Base for Juki LU1114-4JA
KOB-KRT14-5-0 | 265093 70140 | B1830-057-SA0 | Koban Lubricated Hook & Base JW-BL 9.52
KOB-KRT150LJC2VICC-S | 213-87055 | Koban brand Hook & Base for Juki LU-1510N-7
KRT21 | HSH-21-40 | 244711 | 267357 | B1830-512-OAO Hook & base (8.01mm) Koban and Hirose available - Made in Japan -
MELCO-716-032-001 | 716032001 Shuttle Hook for Melco
MISC-407670 | Hook & base CLASS 217
MIT-MS08AO616 | Mitsubishi Shuttle Hook Retainer
PF-91-018340-91 | Pfaff 545 Hook and Base same as KRT545
PF-91-060581-91 | Hook & Base with Bobbin case for Pfaff 335G Large Capacity