JK-B1152-781-000 | Juki driving pin Base
JK-B1610-210-000A | Juki Cam Installing Base
JK-B1818-205-0A0 | Generic Juki Inner shuttle assembly
JK-G1809-122-0A0 | Juki Hook & Base
JK-G5213-504-000 | Juki Base
JK-MAT-02201-0A0 | Juki Base assembly
KH-KDH-467A | Hook for Adler 467, 767 Non Trimmer
KOB-1-KSP-7-9 | Koban Barrel For KSP 7-9 for Class 7-5 machine
KOB-1-KSP-7-9_dup | Koban Barrel for KSP7-9
KOB-G-14-5-0 | Koban Hook needle guard
KOB-GT-14-5-0 | Koban Hook guard for KRT14.5
KOB-HSH-7-94BTR | Do Not use
KOB-KHS20-RMP/Base only | Koban Base only to suit KHS20-RMP ( HSMA-1-HTR)
KOB-KRT11-5LLJCI-R | 103-53076 | Drop-in type Hook & Base for Juki LU1114-4JA
KOB-KRT14-5-0 | 265093 70140 | B1830-057-SA0 | Koban Lubricated Hook & Base JW-BL 9.52
KOB-KRT150LJC2VICC-S | 213-87055 | Koban brand Hook & Base for Juki LU-1510N-7
KRT21 | HSH-21-40 | 244711 | 267357 | B1830-512-OAO Hook & base (8.01mm) Koban and Hirose available - Made in Japan -
MELCO-716-032-001 | 716032001 Shuttle Hook for Melco
MISC-407670 | Hook & base CLASS 217
MIT-MS08AO616 | Mitsubishi Shuttle Hook Retainer
PF-91-010157-01 | Pfaff Hook Base B/case
PF-91-018340-91 | Pfaff 545 Hook and Base same as KRT545
PF-91-060581-91 | Hook & Base with Bobbin case for Pfaff 335G Large Capacity
S701 | Metal Clippers / Thread snips / Thread Clippers
SEI-CS-10536 | SEIKO Base 419660/CS-15110A
SEI-CS-1435 | SEIKO Base 97616
SEI-CS-15040-2 | SEIKO Bobbin Case Base 151491-001
SEI-CS-18033 | SEIKO Hook & Base KHS20-RPEM2AO
SEI-CS-18033-4 | SEIKO B/Case Base STH
SEI-CS-1855-5 | SEIKO B. Case Ring
SEI-CS-23348 | SEIKO bearing / CS-20316
SEI-CS-28837 | use KOB-IKSP204 Barrel
SEI-CS-28840 | SEIKO Hook Base Ring
SEI-CS-34314 | Genuine Seiko Hook & Base OR KOB-KRT8-LC12-S
SEI-CS-5040-2 | SEIKO Base for KRT-LS2R OR 281155
SEI-CS-70140-0 | SEIKO Hook & Base Lubricated
SIN-103016 | Singer 132K6 Hook Ring or CS1343-03
SIN-103019 | Singer Hook Complete or CS1363 -3C bobbin case 103016 1-103021 3-50583
SIN-103021 | Singer 132K/133K Hook Base (or body)
SIN-103101 | Singer Hook Ring with Hook Base 103103 or 103109 or 3-50383 103101