KH-OTFU192B + U193TS-5/32" | Top Stitch walking foot set 4 mm. WF797
MIT-U193K | C31 | Inner Piping Foot WF797
Overlocker Tension Ferrule
PO10 | Empty Sewing Machine Oil Bottle w/ metal spout and cap. ( holds 130ml.)
S-38082-001 | MAGNET
S-46842-000 | SCREW
SBR-S20175-001 | BROTHER Screw
SIN-248217 | Singer Tensions w/- bracket complete 212G 412197 + 223705 CS-10956-CA CS-10961-AC / 153914-0-01
SIN-C68-3/8 | Set of Piping Feet for regular walking foot machine 3/8" ( Brother B797 style )
SIN-C68-5/16 | Piping Feet Set use 151847-001 5/16 151850 5/16 151848-001 5/16
SIN-C95-1/4 | Double Piping Feet Set OR 193KW 1/4
TA-UM0040000000 | Tajima TAJIMA BOBBIN WINDER 240V.
USE U193
use 148705-001
USE JK-B2034372000 |
X75209-001 | X-75209-001 Upper Looper for Brother & Husqvarna Domestic Sergers. overlockers