KOB-OKRT132R | Koban Hook ring singer 103016
KOB-OKRT132SKZR | Koban Hook Ring Only
KOB-OKSP204 | Koban Hook ring
KOB-PT1-KSP204 | Koban Barrel tension spring for KSP204 + KSP204N ( 204150120 )
KOB-PT2-221 | Use ..........60482-20............... Koban NBL SPRING FOR KSP204 367150270, 28091-17 , (60482-20 for BBW)
KOB-PT3-224 | Koban Barrel Spring for KSP204-N or 0913
KOB-PTI-KSP-204 | Koban Spring for KSP- or HAD 204 sub class CH 8B/7B
KOB-PTI-KSP-204_dup | Koban Tension spring for KSP-204
KOB-SKRT-470-S + SCPF15 | Koban Hook Base and Cap 7-93
KRT21 | HSH-21-40 | 244711 | 267357 | B1830-512-OAO Hook & base (8.01mm) Koban and Hirose available - Made in Japan -
KRT467L | 61019 | Koban Hook & Base for SEIKO BEW Series
USE KRT8-LCS-CS (same )