PS-210023 | KB17 Door Latch spring for Pegasus E series and Siruba 700F series
PS-210042 | Front Door Hinge Bracket for Pegasus E Series + Siruba 700F + Toyota EK-1 series
PS-210260 | KG18 Needle tension Bracket for Siruba, Pegasus & Goldex
PS-210260-A *|* Pegasus / Siruba Needle Tension Assembly E32 / 747F etc
PS-210315 | Upper Knife Clamp for Pegasus E32 & either KR19 or KR20 for Siruba 700e & 700F
PS-210356 | KL25 | Left / Lower Looper ( Nissin Brand ) for Pegasus E seriies and Siruba 700F
PS-210357 HC | KM04 Chaining Looper for Pegasus E32 - Siruba 700F series & prior
PS-210364 | LP22 Nissin Brand Top Looper for SIRUBA & Pegasus
PS-210685 | KU27D-4 Pegasus | siruba Adjustable Sewing Edge guide
PS-210749 | KG17 Thread Retainer Plate for Siruba, Pegasus & Goldex
PS-210750 | KG21 Thread Guide for Needle tension for Siruba, Pegasus & Goldex
PS-211360 | KG142E | Needle holder 2mm for Pegasus E series & Siruba 747F
PS-211387 | KN40 | Top Tension post - for Siruba C007J + K / FOO7J & K & Pegasus W600
PS-234561-A | ( = MH70+MH71+MH72+SK531 ) or ( = 253593 + 234561+ 253517+W09070-2 ) Needle Clamp Tension assembly for Siruba F007 & C007 and Pegasus W600 Cover stitch models.
PS-240326 | KG29 Needle Bar tension Spring for Pegasus EX series & Siruba 700K series
PS-253507 | Y-0063044 | MH16 | 3 HOLE , Thread guide on top Needle Bar (eyelet) for Pegasus W600, Siruba C007, F007, Yamato VC2600 VC7200 series and other models.
PS-253511-0 | MH05 | Siruba / Pegasus Thread guide - (Hockey Stick)
PS-253593-0 | Pegasus Pre Tension Disc COO7/F007 ( MH71)
PS-257015-B40 | E1524 | Needle plate 2 ndl 5/32 4mm | for Siruba F007J & Pegasus W600
PS-257018-B64 | E1827 | Pegasus Needle plate 1/4 or SIRUBA- E5364KM
PS-257033-B64 | E3327 Pegasus/ Siruba Needle plate
PS-257565 | MH41 Spreader for Siruba & Pegasus coverstitch machines.
PS-274000-B | KS201 | Presser arm for Pegasus EX series & Siruba 700K
PS-274501 | 700-00273 | KT220 | Sump gasket for - Juki MO-6800, Siruba 700K series, Pegasus EX series.
PS-275011-A | Pegasus EX Series + Siruba 700K Thread pre-tension assembly. KG27/KG28/KG29 and SM280
PS-277015 | Genuine Lower (Left) Looper for Porter, Pegasus & Siruba.
PS-277015/* | KL202 | 6Z1532 | Generic Lower (Left) Looper for Porter, Pegasus & Siruba.
PS-277028-92 | KG255K Needle Clamp 5mm. for Pegasus EX3200 & Siruba 757K
PS-277303-16F | D207+D210 | Main Feed dog assembly for Siruba 747K-514 & Pegasus EX5200 24 {use w/277305 dif & plate 277505R40
PS-277305-16F | H204 | Differential Feed dog for Siruba 747K-514 & Pegasus EX5200 24 {USE WITH P-277303-16F /TP- P277505-R40 }
PV12 | Siruba Foot lift Lever
SB7000 | WEIGHT BALANCE 4-7KG for Bag Closing machine. Spring Balancer
SIM-PR002 | Element 550W for Simons Boiler Co (Includes PR002A/003/004)
SIN-248217 | Singer Tensions w/- bracket complete 212G 412197 + 223705 CS-10956-CA CS-10961-AC / 153914-0-01
SIN-55623/T | Singer Bobbin Long Cut Slot (S)
SIN-C68-3/8 | Set of Piping Feet for regular walking foot machine 3/8" ( Brother B797 style )
SIN-C68-5/16 | Piping Feet Set use 151847-001 5/16 151850 5/16 151848-001 5/16
SIN-C95-1/4 | Double Piping Feet Set OR 193KW 1/4
SIR-07400639 | Chip Guard for Siruba D007
SIR-07400640 | Chip Guard Spring for Siruba D007