KH-OTFU192B + U193TS-5/32" | Top Stitch walking foot set 4 mm. WF797
KH367PF-1/4 | Piping Foot- Groove on Left Back foot w/ 2 toes
KH367PL-1/4 | Piping Foot- Groove on Left
KH367PL-3/16 | Piping Foot set - Groove on Left
KH367PR-1/4 | Piping Foot- Groove on Right
KH367PR-3/16 | Piping Foot- Groove on Right
KHF467 | Slide Plate w/ adjustable Tape Guide. (Adjustable width from 15 to 25 mm )
KOB-KRT11-5LLJCI-R | 103-53076 | Drop-in type Hook & Base for Juki LU1114-4JA
KRT21 | HSH-21-40 | 244711 | 267357 | B1830-512-OAO Hook & base (8.01mm) Koban and Hirose available - Made in Japan -
lJK-123-77800 | Juki lower knife slide Shaft
ME-0532010-000 | Reciprocator
ME0-547000900 | Guide Rail
MIT-U193K | C31 | Inner Piping Foot WF797
POR-6Z7372 | Fixed needle Guard for Porter GPT1000AP
POR-6Z7379 | Needle Guard for Porter GPT1000AP
SEI-CS-70335 | SEIKO Slide plate 7/16" - 9/16" OR JUKI B1112-057-L00
SEI-CS10464WH | SEIKO Belt (arm shaft con) 10047X086Z
SEWING-GUIDE-G-MAT-80103-HA0 | Juki Edge guide MO-816,MO-2500 etc
SIN-265121 | B-1301-158-000 | 10464 | Arm shaft conn. B elt (264602 ) for Singer 144 +145, Seiko JW , Juki LG-158
SIN-55623/T | Singer Bobbin Long Cut Slot (S)
SIN-C68-3/8 | Set of Piping Feet for regular walking foot machine 3/8" ( Brother B797 style )
SIN-C68-5/16 | Piping Feet Set use 151847-001 5/16 151850 5/16 151848-001 5/16
SIN-C95-1/4 | Double Piping Feet Set OR 193KW 1/4
SIR-KW23 | Siruba/ Juki Thread Guide Bar (131-67903)
SIR-LU12 | Juki Driving arm Stopper / aka 110-42751 which replaces 110-42702 complete part 110-93358
SIR-P502K-A | 277119 | 401-59849 Presser Foot 5mm for Siruba 757K, Pegasus EX3216, Juki MO6816S
USE 113-22203
USE JK-B1610-210-D0FA
use 131-08501 OIL SHIELD
Use 224013 - 1 1/4"
WOLF-2901088 | A235 | K1 | Key for knife for Straight Knife Textile Cutting Machine (either Wolf or Lightning) KD194 - KU194
Z-55104510-000 | DDW Cable Set ZS-5104S-10000/ FD-5104S-10000
| Juki Stitch tongue for curling
| Juki Thread guide B